June 14, 2009

Frog & Fish

Hey, Jake, Look what Uncle Derek found!

Cooper got pretty excited about this little guy:

He even held it:

But kept dropping it!

Time to go release it:

Bye, little friend!

While we were outside the neighbors came home from a fishing trip.
Cooper got to check out their catch:


  1. You let it go?! Jake was hoping Cooper would bring it tomorrow :)

  2. Tyler wouldn't have let it go either. He kept them until I felt sorry for the frog. I used to let them go when he was asleep so that they would have a actual chance at escape.

  3. omw. i can't believe you are so adventurous. if i saw that frog anywhere near cooper (or near me) i would shout at cooper to STAY AWAY FROM THE FROG!! my child is probably going to grow up with irrational fears of everything around him. that's just the kind of mom i'm pretty sure i'm going to be.
