June 27, 2009

Family Tree?

For those who don't know, Derek's brother Tyler and his wife Lauren live about 15 minutes from us.
We had a pretty nasty storm come through the other night and they had a tree branch fall into their roof!

We went over last night to help them remove it and cover the hole.
They fed us dinner which was yummy and we enjoyed spending some time with them!

Aunt Lauren and Cooper.
He has trouble saying her name and sometimes calls her "Ty" so we're trying to think of a fun nick name. :)

Cooper and Mommy

We played inside while the guys actually took the branch down.

We came back out to find just a hole in the roof! And Tyler waving to us!

Cooper wanted to be in on all the action.

He helped pick up sticks:

We cooled down inside after the work was done.
Uncle Tyler showed Cooper his remote control airplane.

Cooper made himself comfortable on the guest bed and probably would have spent the night!

We ended the night with cupcakes!!

We enjoyed them... Cooper especially liked the sprinkles! :)


  1. It's fun to see all of you guys working together!! I have always thought Derek and Tyler would work together someday...maybe more enjoyable things will come their way in the future, until then, it's still a blessing! Cooper is always so interested and into whatever his Mommy and Daddy are doing. What a precious little boy!

  2. Considering the circumstances, it looks like you all had a great time! I'm sure Brent is jealous he couldn't help out with the chainsaw work!! Cooper's growing up so fast, hopefully we will get a chance to see him sometime soon!

  3. I have got to stop hitting my favorite blogs only once a week! So much happens!

    Looks like you had a good time during the cleanup! I actually shivered when I saw that picture of Derek!

  4. wow you are a really nice sister in law. not certain i could spend the day in humid weather doing heavy labor. but thank goodness everyone was safe and the tree didn't cause more damage! did tyler incur any splinters after sticking his hand through the hole? what did you do with the tree branch after you removed it from the roof? burn in in front of the other branches so that they would learn a lesson and never puncture the house again during a storm? just kidds!
