May 21, 2009


The weather has been so warm that I filled up Cooper's pool.
When he woke up from his nap we headed outside. He wasn't too sure about it at first:

But it didn't take long for him to get into it:

He started playing:

And splashing:

And swimming:

He likes to get out and let the grass tickle his toes:

Grandma Debbie gave Cooper this fun frog pool:

It sprays water out when the hose is hooked up:

Cooper thought it was FUN!

It's going to be a fun summer!


  1. Cute pool! Good job Grandma Debbie. These last few posts have gotten me in the mood for summer. I made Tyler help me drag the patio furniture out yesterday. Thanks for the inspiration, Cooper!

  2. Love the pool, and those are the most adorable pictures of Cooper!
