April 7, 2009


It's a slow week on the 'news worthy' front. But I might was well use the talent my dad gives
me a hard time about... being able to blog about NOTHING. :)

So for your enjoyment, here is Cooper eating his lunch.

And wondering why I take so many pictures of him doing NOTHING.

And now being goofy... a favorite thing to do recently!

Good and GOOFY!


  1. I love that last picture with his hand in front of his mouth! I miss you, Coop! Hurry Friday :)

  2. Goofy Cooper's not nothing. If that's nothing, I'll take it.

  3. I'll have lunch with you & Cooper any day! PB&J and mac-n-cheese! Yum!

  4. To set your Dad straight, there is no such thing that is not "news worthy" when it comes to your grandkids! And there is no such thing as a blog about "nothing" when your grandkids are in the blog! So, keep em coming!

  5. I agree - pictures of Cooper eating PB&J are better than no pictures at all!

    Can't wait to see you guys!

  6. I'm sure glad you post about daily life because it's so cute to see Cooper & his cute personality :)

  7. love these kinds of posts. sometimes i think he looks his best when he is sitting in that chair. is that just standard kraft mac & cheese dinner? do you cook it in any kind of special way? it looks like the noodles are really al dente. you know, i saw this post and then made mac & cheese the following weekend because seeing the mac made me crave it. but i couldn't get the noodles the way it looks like in this post. any secrets to how you make the mac & cheese? did he finish it all? did you eat his leftovers? if i was there i would eat all the leftovers.
