April 23, 2009

Lunch with Derek

Today we went downtown and ate lunch with Derek.

Cooper loved the fountain in the courtyard!

It was a pretty courtyard.

He also took at little ride on this cow:

One of Derek's co-workers gave Cooper this Bear and Bull...
he really liked them and played with them all the way home!


  1. Ahhhh! So cute - I love the bull and bear! Hilarious.

  2. 1. cooper is so obedient! he didn't go back into the fountain area after derek dragged him out of there! what a good baby!

    2. you do NOT look like you had a baby at all. do you have some sort of exercise regiment you take part in? you are in better shape than i am, and i have yet to bear a child. i really think the bauers have magical genes. really. anna claims she gained weight in germany but has always looked the same - fit. and all the bauer girls who have had babies...do not look like they had babies. i do not understand?
