March 18, 2009

Spring or Summer?

Move over spring... yesterday felt like summer!
Derek was still off work, so he started out the day working in the back yard.
With a little helper, of course!

They did take some time to play too.

Cooper likes the slide!

He was trying to climb back up. He didn't get far!

Cooper was really proud of himself for climbing up here!

Cooper played some T-Ball too:

And hit a home run. (With Daddy's help)

After his nap we washed the car.
He liked to help with the sprayer.

He really only wanted to play in the water!

He was a big helper!

...when he wasn't eating soap!

He was copying everything Derek did.

Only he added the eating soap part... Derek wasn't tasting the bubbles!

Derek and Cooper ended the day making jelly doughnuts.

Mmmmm... :)

Derek is back to work and today feels more like spring again.
We're thankful for Derek's job... and spring is better than winter!


  1. What a great few days with Daddy!

    Send some of those doughnuts home with Mom, we want a sample!

  2. what a fun post! i can just smell the doughnuts...and the sudsy soap! hooray for spring!! wilder and i are also enjoying it. :-)

  3. Yesterday did feel like summer!! I almost broke down and turned on the a/c as the house got to 80 degrees!! I'm glad it's a little cooler today. I'd like to enjoy spring a little bit longer!
