March 24, 2009

Sad News

If you follow my sister Angie's blog you know we've been anticipating the arrival of a new cousin for Cooper in September. Angie went in for a regular appointment yesterday morning and the nurse couldn't find the baby's heartbeat. The Doctor ordered a sonogram and they found that even though she was almost 17 weeks along, the baby was only developed to about 13 weeks with no heartbeat. After Angie called to tell me the news, Cooper and I packed up and headed to Wichita. What I couldn't say through words, I knew I could tell her with a hug. Please keep our family, especially the Rouses, in your prayers as we grieve this little life. We've cried a lot of tears, but God is good and gives peace.

No matter the reason, Cooper always enjoys some cousin time:

We were planning to be in Wichita for a wedding this weekend, so Derek will join us on Friday.


  1. Angie is blessed to have such a great sister! I'm praying for you all!

    How can Jacob look so much like Ronnie and Drew at the same time?!?

  2. These expressions are priceless! I love it!

    Wish I could be there with you guys this week - hugs and kisses to all.

  3. I'm glad you could be there with Angie. That's very special.

    Awesome picture of the kids!

  4. I am so sorry Amy! please give Angie a big hug for me! It is one of the hardest things to grieve through!

  5. I'm so sorry for your entire family...I'll be praying for you all!

  6. sorry to hear of your lose. ya'll will for sure be in my prayers.

  7. So sorry for your family's loss. Angie is very blessed to have the support of such a loving sister. You are all in our prayers.....

  8. My heart breaks for you guys. Both my sister-in-law and I went through this same thing within 3 months of each other, and it hurts everyone. I am so sorry and will be praying for all of you.

