March 11, 2009

District Conference

This week is the Midwest District Missionary Church District Conference. It was held at the camp so we made the 45 minute drive last night and attended the evening service.

Cooper got to meet Trace Bislow. They had a great time playing together.

Cooper also saw three Grandpas there!

Grandpa Dale:

Great Grandpa Secor:

And my Dad was there too, but the wimp went to a hotel in town for the night
(muttering something about facebook withdrawal)... and missed the photo session. :)

Cooper and Trace had lots of fun running around!


  1. He looks so big! When did baby Cooper start "running around?" These kids are growing up too fast.

  2. I was thinking the same thing as Anna! He looks so old running with his bud!

  3. so adorable. i love the second picture, they way he is looking at his new friend. hilare!
