January 16, 2009

Sugar High?

Cooper had his first sucker the other day. It's from his stocking at Grandma Cheri's.

He liked it!

Maybe it's a sugar high... maybe he's ADD... but Cooper doesn't sit still.
Even while watching TV he's on the go.
Here he is demonstrating his motorcycle stunts.


  1. Caleb is the same way! ALWAYS moving. I'm a little fearful of ADD:) but I think it's just being a boy...at least I'm hoping...the world's a jungle gym!

  2. He's all boy - nothing to worry about. It's cute he's able to watch Blue's Clues at this age. My kids loved that show!

  3. A) Those big brown eyes are so cute.

    B) Standing on the motorcycle is hilarious. He's so little to be doing that! I think it's just what you get when Derek has a kid!

  4. I love the sticky close up of his little face. That sticky stuff is hard to clean between little tiny fingers!!
