January 26, 2009

Male Instinct

I'm a firm believer that there is something in male genes that makes them automatically drawn to (among other things) guns, dirt, grunting and fire. It must be a natural instinct to hunt and provide.  Cooper is showing these traits already! :) Anytime Derek is starting a fire... Cooper makes sure to be right by his side.

Explaining that it's hot.  And not to eat sticks.

He would probably like to help chop the wood too.

That will wait a while!!

Note: Although I did say that Cooper copies Derek's every move. 
I just want to clarify that Derek doesn't eat sticks. 
Or without warning throw his pacifier into the fire. 
So Cooper does come up with some moves on his own. :)


  1. I agree, boys are just little men. Or maybe it is just that men are big boys?? I used to call Mark at work and ask him if what Tyler was doing was "normal."

    Very cute post. I can't get enough of the big close ups. I want to smooch those cheeks.

  2. OMW so cute with brushing off his little hands. I miss this little guy so much!

  3. Gpa Dale was out chopping wood today so we would have fire through this cold week! Drew is still recovering from the poison ivy from last week!

  4. This is such a cute post! And Anna & Aunt Julie, I get to see Cooper in two days!

  5. This was so cute!! Love the first picture of Cooper sticking his lil rear out-lol! Sooo cute!

  6. I wish our fireplace worked! Love that you get to light a fire in this cold weather! C U Fri!

  7. onesie. well done, well done. whenever i look at cooper, i feel like my heart is melting inside of me. i am slightly concerned for myself.
