January 5, 2009

Family Visit

Derek's Uncle Brent and his wife, Amy were in town for a visit. We had a great time while there were here. They stayed with Bruce & Brenda, so we spent some time over there.

We went down to the Plaza and ate dinner one night.

Cooper enjoying the Plaza lights:

Ryan wrangling Cooper during dinner:

Derek's parents came up from Wichita one day.
Here is the group of siblings and spouses:

Amy is pregnant - due February 18th!

The boys spent some time playing guitar hero:

Megan and Mikiah playing with Cooper:

We did a lot of eating too! :)

We had fun catching up and ringing in the New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Amy - I am so glad you took pictures of our time together. Thank goodness we have a family member who's good about getting out a camera. I think the VG side has a missing gene for this trait :) I stole some of your pictures off your blog. Thank you!
