December 15, 2008

Manger Mayhem

What happened here?

Cooper did!

He's still enjoying playing with the nativity.

And they still have all their heads!

He found they all have a little hole in the bottom...

...perfect for his little finger!

He still thinks chewing on them is great too.

It doesn't matter how many times I fix it... ends up like this!

I don't mind at all though!


  1. You should find the Veggie Tales Nativity on clearance after Christmas...
    but that is so cute. Keely still plays with one of ours too. The other day I found tissues spread over all the nativity pieces. Keely said they were cold and she covered them up. (Blog post later...with pics)

  2. I just love the scary snowman! That is priceless and you can sure use it when he is all grown up and looking for a wife!!
