December 10, 2008

Little Helper

Cooper is helping me bake!

He's reading the recipe :)

He thinks baking is fun!


  1. how cute...he's getting to be such a big boy!!!

  2. How fun! I used to put Megan on the counter when I was mixing things too. The good ol days :) Cooper is looking so grown up lately. I think it's cause he's sitting up so straight or holding his head up so high. I noticed it in the Cheesecake Factory picture too. Cutie - cutie - cutie!!!

  3. And just the right size to still fit under the cabinets! Does he really read the recipe cards, or are you just spoofin' us??

  4. Cute - the counter is still my kids favorite place to sit - I'll even find the big ones up there!

  5. I LOVE the pictures in your blog header-cute! I also love that last picture of you & Cooper :)

  6. again, i agree with anna - love the new header, it would be great if you could post more pictures of him in the white onesie with the santa hat. additionally, he is so cute in the last picture with you. i love that huge smile!
