November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving & Christmas - Family!

We had a nice weekend in Iowa spending time with family.

There was a lot of football watching:

And visiting:

Cooper helped Uncle Tyler do some work on his computer:

And wrestled Derek's cousin, Garrett. I think Cooper won!

Derek's Aunt and Uncle brought their dog, Odie.

Cooper loved him!

He chased him around trying to kiss him all evening!

Uncle Dennis is supervising. :)

Spending time with Great-Grandparents.

Derek's sister, Mikiah with cousins, Miranda and Michelle.

Uncle Drew

Uncle Trey, Grandma Debbie and Cooper

Dancing with Uncle Trey!

Looking out at the snow with Grandpa Dale

Grandma & Grandpa gave us all gifts.

Cooper liked his card... and an ornament he found on the Christmas Tree!

We all got to pick an ornament to take home.

Thanks for everything, Grandma & Grandpa!! We had a great time
...and ate way too much delicious food!!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I love that big room. Make me anxious for tomorrow and the rest of our first holiday weekend!!
