October 16, 2008

We've Been...

...Busy! My parents decided to come up for a quick visit.
They came last night and stayed until this afternoon.

Papa shared his pizza... and Mountain Dew!!

Kisses from Grandma:

...and she brought him M&M's! :)

Dad and Derek trimmed our trees today.

Cooper watched from the window.

Derek and I went on a date tonight.
Brenda was keeping Cooper for us, but needed to drop Megan off at her school first,
so we beat her to her house.
We played on the swing set while we waited!

And looked at the flowers:

Derek and I went to a movie and then grabbed something to eat.

Cooper had a great time with Aunt Brenda!!


  1. Jaedyn loved this post!! Cooper & Grandma in a two for one! She kept saying "It's Per!" Guess we've graduated from Pooper!

  2. Looks like fun! Glad you are enjoying Derek's week off!!

  3. I've been looking for a babyswing for that swing set but they are all sold out. I'll have one by next summer Cooper! He looks like a monkey hanging from that bar :)

  4. how is it possible that cooper gets cuter as each day goes by? i LOVE him in the onesie. i'm melting. just melting.
