October 22, 2008

Music Lessons

Cooper loves to listen to music! He'll sit on Derek's lap and watch music
videos for long periods of time. Once for almost an hour!
He also loves to listen to Derek playing the guitar.

And any time he hears a rhythm or music he breaks into dance.
So I had to put a video on here too! :)


  1. Aunt Angie would like more videos please. Jaedyn is okay with the same one 10 times but I like some more variety.

  2. This brings back memories of Derek playing the guitar years ago and Drew would grab the neck of the guitar and make the tone sound different.....Derek would just keep playing.....then, Mik did it, and now Cooper!!! I love your patience Derek, it's a wonderful character trait that all of the young ones in your life have benefited from! (Not to mention your gift in music!)

  3. too cute...
    oh, I also love Cooper's outfit, brown and blues are my favorite. I think Koen has the same one in his "grow into" pile.

  4. I think he is ready for guitar lessons! He bounces on the beat too, very musical.
