October 24, 2008

Here Kitty, Kitty...

Pretty much since we found out I was pregnant, Derek has been anxious for the time 'the baby' could chase the cat! Cooper has not disappointed him! He spends quite a bit of time each day doing that very activity. He does catch her every once in a while.
(when she lets him) But she's usually hiding just around the next corner!

He's after her:

Here kitty, kitty:

She gets up high where he can't get to her:

Often he is distracted and plays with the railings...
not the safest place to play! I'm always near by...
usually with a camera of course! :)

To call the cat we make a kissing sound with our lips. Cooper caught onto it months ago and has tried to mimic the sound to get her to come. It's always been when he can see her though. Lately... when I just say, "Where's the kitty?" he's been doing it! Here's a little video of it... and if you listen careful and use your imagination just a bit...you can hear him make a "k" sound as he's looking all around for her!! :)


  1. He's brilliant! I'm impressed, I must say. We had dinner with Aunt Rita last night. The high speed thing fell through. She loves the pictures you send her. Keep it up! (She needs new ones of Ethan.)

  2. I agree, he's obviously brilliant!

    I love how he looks up to the ledge to see if she's there!

  3. Too cute! When Grayson was about that age he was fascinated with Tami's cat. He would say the "K" sound and look for her! The cat did not return his affection, however. :)
