October 20, 2008

Caramel Apples

Cooper isn't feeling well. I think he has more teeth coming in! He has a fever and is GRUMPY. None of us slept well last night and Cooper seems to be making up for it today.

Derek went back to work today. :( So it's catch up on housework day for me!
So for now, here are some pictures of the caramel apples I made.

Maybe there will be pictures of Cooper coming later...


  1. this is Drew those caramel apple's look sooooooooooooooooooooooooo GOOD!!! i want to eat one right now!! i wish you could make me one! :) lol

  2. sorry Cooper is feeling blah today! The apples look yummy. We have been wanting to make some...maybe we will get around to that this weekend!

  3. i cannot imagine cooper being grumpy. i will need some videographic or photographic evidence please. and those apples look amaaaziinngg...is there anything you cannot do? (produce cute babies, make caramel apples, etc etc)

    I'll trade you some pumpkin cookies for some chocolate-covered apples.

  5. Sorry Cooper isn't well! That is always more tough on the mommy! But those apples look soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
