August 1, 2008

Which Way Did He Go...

Some of you are probably getting sick of my posts about Cooper's mobility... but it's so funny! :)

I left him playing right here...

Can you find Cooper?

There he is!

"I'm just playing, Mommy!"


  1. We like to see what he does!He is really getting places now!

  2. I never get tired of hearing about Cooper's progress - makes me think back to when Alexander and Ashleigh were little!

    Way to go Cooper! Next you'll be walking! ha ha

  3. You are blessed! He seems to keep himself occupied and happy. And I ask again, how did you get such a perfect baby?

  4. The Hinzmans willl never tire of Cooper updates. We feel like we know him even though we live hours away! Though, we still wish you lived closer so we could play with him more!

  5. I agree with the comments. We never tire of seeing updates on Cooper. Helps us to feel like we are watching him grow and not missing out.
