August 8, 2008

Paper Shredder

Cooper's new found mobility has changed my life! :) He's into everything!

He usually plays in the office when I'm on the computer. I bring his toys... but what fun are toys when there is a trash can in the room?

Thankfully the only thing that ever goes into that trash can is paper... or this would really gross me out.

We don't need a paper shredder.... and this is also a new method of reducing our bills!

Happy Friday!


  1. We just love your pictures of Cooper, especially the videos! Shug my 13 month old foster baby loves to see the videos. When I'm at the table he crawls over to me and wants me to pick him up and he says "Baby". So, we go to your site and look for Cooper's picture of the day. Shug just smiles!

  2. What a good little helper! My kids expand the bills, how did you train one to reduce them?
