August 6, 2008

More Family Camp

Derek's sister, Mallory, spent the whole weekend with us at camp. So she helped with Cooper a lot. They had some quality time together.

The rest of Derek's family came up for the Friday night service.

My parents came up and stayed Friday night.

Ethan, Mandy and her friend, Jessie, came up and stayed with us Friday night too.

Ethan with G'pa Secor, who was there the entire time.

Derek and his friend, Isaiah, who came for a couple nights.

Aunt Mandy feeding Cooper ice during the service.

Ethan, Mandy and Cooper cooling off in the room. It was SO hot!

Cooper and Isaiah.

Me, Cooper, Mom, Mandy, Ethan and Jessie at the ice cream social.

G'ma thought Cooper needed to try some!

Greg was there with us too...although I don't see any ice cream.

Cooper playing with Papa.

And I'll leave you with a picture of Derek on a mini bike.... just for kicks! :)


  1. Looks like you all had fun. Cooper must have loved all the extra attention.

  2. OK - let's get technical ... the vehicle upon which Derek sits is NOT a mini-bike! Mini-bikes are smaller, often have a lawn mower type engine and wheels. Neither is the pictured vehicle a "moped," which has pedals to start everything, similar to a bicycle (hence the name moPED, the MO being the motor part). What we have here is a SCOOTER!

    Thank you all for your understanding!

  3. 1st: More than just slightly jealous of all the Cooper holders!

    2nd: If it was so hot, why does Greg have a long sleeve shirt on? I only ask so that I can understand my own son better as he too dawns the long sleeves in 90 degree weather.

    3rd: mini bike, moped, scooter...whatever; he looks hysterical on that thing!

  4. Glad you had so much fun! Lots of babies to love on!
