August 28, 2008

Cooper's Companion

These have a been a good friend to Cooper the past couple days!

Teething Tablets!

Teeth? Where are you, teeth?

I can see little teeth about to pop through! Hopefully it's soon... we could use some sleep around our house again!


  1. I think I own stock in the teething tablet company!

  2. Those are great-we used those a lot with Maycee.
    I have to say it once again--Cooper is so adorable. I love his big brown eyes.

  3. He is adoreable. And you take the most adoreable pictures of him! They are so good.

  4. Those teething tablets are the BEST!! Also, (wet)frozen wash rags are fun to chew on! Hope those teethers come in soon. Teething is no fun! And think about this...all that work and they will just fall out in five years!

  5. Poor baby! This is going to sound gross - but - a "clean" cleaning sponge with the green scratcher side (get wet and freeze). My kids loved to chew on it and it helped bring the teeth in. One of those "hurt so good" feelings.
