July 20, 2008

Our Saturday

We had a great week staying with Rouses! Thanks, Ronnie, Angie, Josiah, Jacob & Jaedyn!

A picture of us before we get ready to leave.

We went to mom's house before leaving town. Cooper played with the puppies.

Cooper's Grandma Debbie, Aunt Mikiah, Uncle Drew & Uncle Trey came by to say bye.

Mikiah fell in love with the puppies!

Uncle Drew showing Cooper.

Drew and a puppy:

Mikiah and a puppy... she ended up taking one home!! :)

Cooper smiling at Aunt Mik:

And playing with Grandma's jewelry.

Cooper slept most of the way from Wichita to the Kansas City airport.

Here he is waiting for Daddy to get there.

Here he is!!!!!

So happy to be together again! Cooper just kept smiling at him!

Now we're waiting for Daddy's bag:

It never came.... it was delivered to our house just before midnight!

We had a fun week but we're so happy to be back home and together again!


  1. The sweetest part of this fun blog is Cooper looking at his Daddy after being away for a week. Priceless pic!

  2. Yay for daddy being home! I am sure mommy was very happy too!! There is no place like home! Glad you had a good week with the family! Cooper looks just like Derek! I bet you hear that alot, don't you? LOL! He is such a cutie!

    I am getting very anxious to meet this little girl! She likes to dance already, or at least that's what my ribs think!!!


  3. Don't you just wonder what he is thinking when he see's his Daddy again? He looks very happy, that's for sure! I'd say he lights up pretty easily, but it looks like he's especially fond of Daddy and Jaedyn!

  4. Sweet! I'm sure Derek appreciates you chronicling your time while he was gone - it's like he didn't miss a thing. :)

    By the way, how do you make your blog header? Is it scanned in?
