July 9, 2008

More Iowa...

On Saturday we had a fish fry at the Mleynek farm.

Cooper had a nap during the frying:

We went back to VanGundy's and Grandpa Gordy gave Cooper a tour of the flowers.

Then he showed him all his 'toy' tractors. (He has a model of every tractor he owns!)

Then Cooper had another nap with Daddy:

Grandma Debbie and Cooper:

Here's Uncle Tyler teaching Cooper how to smell flowers and climb trees.

On Sunday we had Breakfast with Mleyneks.

Cooper got to meet Cousin Donna!!

And hang out with Grandpa Don. Not sure why Cooper is making the funny face!

And Uncle Den:

My apologies for another long post. If you made it to the end - you must love us. (Or Cooper anyway)


  1. I know I speak for many when I say I never tire of seeing Cooper's sweet face. Keep the posts coming, you're an inspiration to many of us bloggers!

  2. hi, this is your sister anna's friend, jess! NEVER apologize for long posts, i love them and wish they were longer! cooper is so cute!! thank you so much for the frequent updates too...definitely helps get me through the day!
