June 11, 2008

Our Trip - Part III

Hold on to your chair! It's a long post! :)

We started off our Friday in Chicago with breakfast at Anna's apartment:

Then we walked to the train:

Rode the train:

To the bus stop to get on a bus:

We finally reached our destination, the Museum of Science and Industry:

Cooper & Jaedyn "clowning around":

Jake fell asleep on the bus, but woke up to check things out:

Then he found this cow... he loved it! He didn't want to leave it. Someone asked him if his cow had a name and he said, "No, it's a tow!" :)

The strollers came in handy... even if we had to search for an elevator or carry them up or down stairs:

Cooper & Daddy:

Watching baby chicks hatch:

Once Derek parked Cooper under the table while he checked out an exhibit!

Then he was going to give him a push and see if he'd make it all the way around this loop!

Angie and Mom trying to decide where to go next:

Angie led the way...

But we ended up right back where we started! So Drew helped her out!

We had to get ice cream as a reward for all that walking in circles:

Cooper liked to see everything. When he wasn't sleeping.

Josiah & Jacob enjoyed everything!

Here we are waiting for the bus again:

Then the subway:

It was a crowded subway since we hit rush hour:

Then we walked some more:

We went to the Hershey Store where Cooper got this cool hat:

Smiling at Grandma:

We went to a "Tall Mall" too. Apparently Ronnie and Derek are bored:

We ended the night with dinner:

Chicago style hotdogs:

It was a fun day! Thanks for being our tour guide, Anna!

My sister, Angie, has been posting pictures of the trip as well. So check out her blog if you want to see more.


  1. Great post!!

    And we're now even for the bus picture!

  2. Looks like tons of fun!
    The picture of Derek & Ronnie in the mall is too funny-typical guys!!!

  3. I feel like I was there too!! It looks like a great weekend with family!!
