June 24, 2008

Cooper's Cold

Cooper has his first cold. Considering he was born in February, I know we're fortunate that this is the first time he's been sick.
I had it a couple weeks ago, so I'm sure he caught it from me. I was really achy, so I know how he's feeling. YUCKY.

He has been sleeping a lot and been a little fussy. Pretty out of character for Cooper.

When he's not fussy, he's just not his normal happy self.

He's been coughing too which makes me so sad! Hope he gets over it quick!


  1. Poor guy, those summer colds are no fun. At least his nose isn't all nasty looking! He is still as cute as ever!

  2. His nose has it's nasty moments for sure! This was a good moment right after I'd wiped it! I didn't want to gross anyone out by posting a nasty nose picture. :)

  3. Poor little guy. Sick kids are no fun! Hope he gets over it soon - for his sake and yours!

  4. Poor Cooper! Hope he feels better soon!

    The best part about sick kids is they just want snuggles from Mom. Really doesn't change as they get older. (and they quit throwing up on you too!)

  5. Poor little guy rolled right into some germs. We've all had it here too; he has our sympathy for sure. Make sure that cough doesn't get too tight. His little airways are still very small.

    Kisses and hugs, Cooper. Love ya!

  6. Poor Cooper! Poor Amy!!! It's harder on Mom sometimes.

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  8. We don't have to be sick around here to have nasty nose pictures!

    Poor, sweet baby cheeks! Please, Lord, bring healing to sweet baby!
