May 19, 2008

Weekend Fun

This weekend Rouses came up for Ronnie's brother's graduation. They stayed at our house and we had some time to hang out.

This is our attempt to get a picture of all the kids!

And here is Jaedyn playing in Cooper's bouncy seat:

And Uncle Derek showing the boys his turkey decoy:

This is Jaedyn playing with my sunglasses:

This picture was taken shortly after we were involved in a minor fender bender. Well there were actually no bent fenders, but Angie and I were running some errands with Jaedyn and Cooper with us and got rear ended. There was no damage to Angie's van and except for Angie and I having slightly sore necks, everyone is fine. It was just a bit scary with the babies in the car. Cooper was asleep though and didn't even wake up for the "excitement". He just fussed after the jolt and then kept on sleeping.


  1. I love all the pictures of the 4 of them. So funny that NO ONE would cooperate EVERY TIME!

  2. Okay...
    Does Jake have his dirty socks on his hands?

    I love that in every picture, there is at least one looking the wrong way.

    Has Derek fooled a turkey with that decoy yet?

    And...we are thankful that you and babies are all safe.

  3. Looks like a wild weekend!

    Glad to see that I'm not the only one who can't get a decent picture of more than one child! And, what's up with Jaedyn's pants?!?! Decided she didn't need them anymore, or what??

    Good to hear that everyone is safe after the accident...

  4. Cute pictures, even if they didn't cooperate! :) Sounds like an eventful weekend, also glad to hear everyone is okay!
