May 28, 2008

Memorial Day

Rather last minute we decided to have some people over for a cookout on Monday. It quit raining in time for us to grill and have a great time.

Derek manning the grill. Willie supervising.

Tyler, Ryan and Bruce... also supervising:

Lauren, Megan, Brenda and Cooper:

We made home made ice cream too.

Cooper and Mommy:

Cooper and Aunt Lauren:

Uncle Tyler making Cooper laugh:

Cooper playing with Aunt Brenda... then he fell asleep!

A few people have asked if he sleeps at night since there are so many pictures of him sleeping during the day... he does! He usually goes down between 9-9:30pm and wakes up once to eat around 4am and then sleeps until about 8am. And he's still taking long naps in the morning and afternoon and a short one in the evening. He sleeps quite a bit!

He is a very happy baby too. Our blog shows it correctly. He's pretty much sleeping or happy all the time. If he's fussy it's cause he's tired or hungry. Although I'm suspecting he might be teething since he's been a little more fussy recently... we'll see!

We're very blessed and enjoy Cooper so much!


  1. Can Cooper come over and teach Ashleigh how to sleep through the night? PLEASE!! :)

  2. I haven't been on my computer for a while and I feel like I've missed so much!

    He's still yummy and adorable. I am so glad he is a happy baby!
