April 19, 2008

Special Guest

My Mom made a quick trip up to visit us! She was here less than 24 hours, but we had a great time!

Cooper playing with Grandma:

We did a little shopping... Cooper copes with shopping by sleeping!

He woke up so he could see the cute monkey flip flops Grandma bought him!

Then he reminded us that he doesn't really like shopping! :)

(I'm not sure Mom will appreciate that photo being on my blog, but I thought it was cute!)

So to make up for shopping with the girls, he had to do something manly with Daddy:

They watched a John Wayne movie:


  1. Looks like fun! I told Grandma to give Cooper cuddles from Aunt Angie. I love the picture of him crying too, so cute!

  2. Cooper's first pair of flip-flops!!! He's all set for summer now!

  3. The view of his hair from the back is too funny! I love it!

  4. I love the picture of both of their heads...so precious. Looks like you guys are having alot of fun. I wish I could stay home (it's not going to work out with our first baby)!
