April 15, 2008

Birthday Honors

We were bummed we didn't get to be at Jake's Birthday party last night...

So to cheer ourselves up, we went to Cold Stone to use my free Birthday coupon. In honor of Jake's birthday! :)

Even though Mondays are "kids eat free" at Cold Stone, Cooper didn't get any ice cream... he was sleeping anyway. He doesn't know he missed the fun!

We also went to Target where we propped Cooper up in this cute little chair. He'll have to save his money and buy it.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Jake!

This is Aunt Amy holding Jake right after he was born!

Happy Birthday to Grandpa Gordie today too!!!

***If you're not a member of the Cold Stone Birthday club, you should sign up! They send you a coupon for free ice cream for your birthday! What's better than that? :) ***


  1. We had Jake's free ice cream on Saturday - he picked Birthday Cake Remix! Not so hot with Mommy & Daddy! I'm sure your choice was much more appetizing :)

    It's so special that you were there when Jake was born. It made me all teary when I looked at that picture! Jake said "That's me and she's holding me!"

  2. Thanks for the comment back about the blanket. I don't think we have every actually met but I have met your sister Angie. I went to Bethel and the year she was there we had a district get together at your Uncle Mark & Aunt Julie's house....small world!

    In case your family is in need of more baby blankets - I found them at JCPenny. I have looked there before so they must have just started carrying them. Oak Park Mall is now sold out thanks to my spending spree but they had some left at the Legend's location.

  3. Cooper, you look so cute in that chair! I think Mommy should buy it for you.
