January 9, 2008

Week 36

Your baby is gaining about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds and is a little under 19 inches long. She's shedding most of the downy hair that covered her body, as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Next week, your baby will be considered full-term. Most likely she's in a head-down position, but if she isn't, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an external cephalic version, where she'll try to turn your baby by manipulating her from the outside of your belly.

My Note:
The Doctor says our baby is head down. And I would have to agree because I can feel it! And the two feet I feel up and down my left side are a good clue too! (I wouldn't be surprised if this baby comes out with BIG feet!) I've had more swelling this week, but am overall feeling good. I just wear out fast. But I'm still enjoying this every aspect of pregnancy very much. And the baby's movements are so obvious and visible (even from the outside!) that it's fun to look down and imagine what he or she is going to look like and what type of personality we'll get to meet in (hopefully) just a few weeks!

::Edit:: I'm pretty sure the baby has dropped too. I can breath and eat again...but visit the restroom even more often this week than ever!


  1. Wow-it looks like the position of the baby has changed this week. You still look so cute!

  2. Wow...it's almost itme. Glad that the little one is in place and ready! I loved your belly video. That was too neat.

    Enjoy these last days! Listen and enjoy the quietness of your home, it may be gone before too long! :)

    D names...Darren, Dylan, Douglas, though I like some earlier suggestions much better! And some Veggie Tale names...Darius and Darby! (I think Darby is a GIRL name but it was in a Veggie Movie for a boy!)

  3. I felt like I was sitting on a cantalope when I was pregnant with Bo! It won't be long now!

  4. Oh, how exciting! You are looking good. I've been thinking on the D names....Dakota or Dillon...I like some of the others already mentioned too!

  5. You're still looking for names??? Just a suggestion on parenthesis, use a comma in place of them.

  6. Wow Amy! You are all baby!! You look great! I have to laugh at my pregnancy pictures. The styles sure have changed. I was wearing tent-like moo-moos with skinny jeans or leggings!

    Can't wait to meet your baby!
