October 1, 2007

Anniversary & Weekend

Derek's company had a meeting all weekend. His department runs sound, video and all the technology for those events. This meeting was held at the Marriott, so they got him a room for the night.
Since Friday was our anniversary, I drove downtown and met him and we had time to go to dinner in between his set up times. Then I just stayed down there with him. I think it was more fun for me than him... since he was working the whole time and I was just lounging around! :) We had a good time though.

Anniversary Dinner at P.F. Changs on the Plaza
(After our server found out it was our anniversary, she brought us a free dessert! Fried wrapped bananas with toasted coconut ice cream... yum!)

Derek trying to get some free Red Bull

Me lounging...

While Derek worked.

Saturday we went to Derek's cousin's football game again. The first game we watched Megan cheer. (Far right)

The second was Ryan's game. (#52)

Derek's Grandparents were in town for the games, so we had dinner at his Aunt Brenda's house on Sunday to wrap up the weekend.

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