September 26, 2007


My Doctor told me watching my carbs will help the baby not get too big or gain excess weight before it's born.

This is pretty good motivation: Mom births baby - 17pound Nadia



  1. WOAH!!! I can not imagine carrying a 17 pound baby around in my belly (although sometimes I swore they felt like it!!!) ;) Hmm, yeah, I'd say don't over do it on the potatoes & noodles. haha

  2. I've heard if the dad is really tall and the mom has tiny feet, the baby will be huge! Hmmmm.....

  3. Oh, WOW! That is good incentive! :) You look great!

  4. Whoa! That's like two Olivia's at once! I don't think you need to worry too much, though. Kasey was almost 11 pounds when he was born. We reminded our doctor of this throughout both pregnancies so she would watch the babies weight carefully. Maybe I'm just a wimp but I don't think carrying or delivering an 11 pound baby would be much fun! My doctor gave me the same I avoided the extra Krispy Kreme every so often!
