September 4, 2007

Moving Miracle

The more I feel this baby move, the more real and amazing being pregnant is to me. The movements have graduated from just little flutters, to definite kicks and wiggling! Its so precious. Derek can even feel it now!
Maybe it's because I'm super hormonal and emotional, (and I had music playing) but I was just sitting at the computer the other night and felt the baby kicking. I just sat there thanking God for this wonderful gift and blessing. It is truly amazing and reflecting on it brought me to tears. I've waited for this my whole life! :)
Of course Derek came into the room to find me with tears rolling down my face. And since he's never sure what emotional state he'll find me in these days :) he was worried I was upset about something. I assured him I was not... just needed to cry some tears of joy.
We are thankful that God has allowed us this blessing. Even the fact that people have been pregnant and giving birth since the beginning of time doesn't change how special and wonderful this little life is to us! :) We're so excited to become parents!


  1. I'm so excited for you guys - you're going to make GREAT parents!


  2. precious...i can't imagine how incredible it is to have a little baby growing inside of you. what a blessing! I am so excited for ya'll!

  3. Amy - I was on The-Rouse-House blog and clicked your link. You are so precious with a baby bump!

    After each one of my babies were born, I had this overwhelming experience - I was watching Rick love on the new baby and a surge of emotion went through me and I fell into a whole new level of love for him. It was like falling in love with him all over again. It is an incredible feeling! Let me know when it happens to you!

    Blessings - Paula Yaussi

  4. That is so sweet...anyone who has ever been pregnant can relate exactly to how you feel...and those tears that come so unexpectedly! I am so happy and excited for you and Derek! You will both be wonderful parents!

  5. Whew! Now I'm crying! Enjoy every moment...each day is so precious.
