August 16, 2007


Hello Friends,

Amy usually does all of the blogging, but today I thought I would put up a blog for a change. Please enjoy.

Thirty years ago today Elvis died. Elvis wasn't just a musician, he changed music. Before him, there really wasn't anything besides Frank Sinatra, and country. Okay, maybe there were a few more options than that, but Elvis really brought rock and roll to life. His sound was so ground breaking, and so different, that when his first recordings were played, the DJ made sure to mention that you were listening to a white guy!

My love for Elvis isn't because of his music though. I love Elvis because of the weird, funny, and sad story's you never hear. Like how he enjoyed filling his swimming pool with light bulbs, and then shooting at them, or how he chased Hamburger James on to an airplane and as he ran past the airport security, he flashed a badge (given to him by Richard Nixon) and yelled, "Stop that plane, I'm an FBI agent". He was also known to eat whole cherry pies with his bare hands. Elvis enjoyed his "medication" too. I once heard a recording of Elvis singing on stage. He was so high that he got the giggles right in the middle of his performance. He couldn't stop laughing, so he just laughed his way through the song!

Earlier this summer ABC ran a show called "The Next Best Thing". Boring show, but guess who won? An Elvis impersonator! Actually there were two Elvis impersonators in the top 3. I can't forget to mention my favorite Elvis tribute band "Metal Elvis". A good mix of 80's metal, and Elvis. TV Land has been playing Elvis movies, documentaries, and performances all month. Needless to say, my DVR is being overloaded with Elvis. If you want something good to read, you should check out "Elvis and the Memphis Mafia". It's great. That's all.

Amy, if I'm asleep when you get home, wake me up and feed me a cherry pie.

Good Day.

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