August 7, 2007

Awkward Stage

This pretty much sums it up! :)

I don't look pregnant yet, I just look like I ate too much lunch! :) My regular clothes aren't fitting, but I'm not big enough for maternity clothes. I knew this stage was coming... oh what fun! :)

...the good thing is that it means the baby is growing and healthy! Yay!


  1. I can't quite remember when, but my first true breakdown was while I was trying to find something to wear to church one morning. I literally tried on ten outfits, and nothing looked right. Poor Craig didn't know what to do! You might actually be thankful when the maternity clothes start fitting!

  2. Oh, how I did not like that stage, but I also got depressed when my belly button was sticking out too!! :) The fun part is that there is a beautiful little baby inside!!

  3. I love that cartoon! Don't worry, this part will go quick and before you know it no one will mistake the fact that you're pregnant for too big of a lunch :) Pregnant bellies are so much fun!

  4. Haha-I love that, too much lunch. Ashton's 9 mos and I still look like I ate too much lunch-LOL! Last summer I was in that stage & awkward is right! I like your updates on how baby is growing!
