April 28, 2007


This weekend was Women's Retreat at Timberlake. It was a good time seeing friends, relaxing, A LOT of eating and even more goofing off! :) The speaker was good too... and had some challenging things to say about the seasons of our lives and living balanced lives from a Godly perspective. It was short, but we didn't sleep much and had fun! Here's a picture of our group:

...Did I mention being goofy? :) That's a toy frog on my head!

Also: Mr Squirrel is gone... :( He was getting wild. No... not JUST attacking my leg(see previous post)... other things too! Like Derek chasing him around the garage for thirty minutes! We took him to O.W.L. (Operation Wild Life)... they're going to introduce him to other baby squirrels and return them to the wild together. Apparently squirrels live in groups like that and if we'd have released him into our yard, the other squirrels would pick on him! So, he's safe now! :)


  1. Looks like lots of fun! It is always nice to get away with other "girls"!! :)

  2. Awww, how sad for you to have Mr. Squirrel gone...or maybe just sad for us that we don't get to see fun videos of the "Attack of the Baby Squirrel"!!!!
