June 5, 2013

Memorial Day - Museum

Over Memorial Day Weekend we drove to Bloomington/Normal
and visited the Discovery Children's museum.

We started out by building with huge blocks.

And brushing huge teeth.

Cooper played Daddy in a huge game of checkers.

And a huge game of operation.

Miles opted for climbing up onto the table for the best angle.

The boys enjoyed the water tables.

And a play area with a climbing wall and slide.

And a kaleidoscope tunnel.

There was a wind exhibit with tubes to put fluffy things in.
(They were rather Dr Seuss-ish.  Like the truffula trees from The Lorax. ha) 

Miles would put one in the hole and then watch
where the wind in the tube would take it.

And then there was this thing.

It was a climbing web suspended in an opening as tall as all three floors of the museum.
Miles climbed right in to explore.

He wasn't scared at all, but it made me claustrophobic just watching.

Cooper was surprisingly fast at maneuvering around in there.

Back on solid ground, Daddy helped them construct this arch.

Once they realized what it was they thought it was great.

Miles met some cows.

The boys helped harvest corn.

And drove a tractor.

They painted on a window. 

Which was fun mostly because they could do this.

And Daddy put on a good show.

Speaking of shows... there was a stage where a group of kids, including this girl, were putting together a small production.  One of the boys walked up to Cooper and asked, "Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you tell jokes?".  All to which Cooper just shyly yet adamantly shook his head NO!

He talked them into just letting him pull the curtain open and closed between each act.

Miles preferred a behind the scenes roll as well.

When asked at the end of the day what their favorite part was,
Cooper's was the (what I have dubbed) "web of terror".

Miles' was the kid size sink in the bathroom where he
could scrub his little hands clean with no adult assistance.

Mine was that we got to eat dinner out!  :)
We went to this cute little place near the museum.

And Derek's was the peaceful ride back home.

Not really, I didn't even ask him...  but it was a good way to end this post?  HA.


  1. How far are you guys from St. Louis? You should go to the Magic House there. The boys would love it. They are the perfect ages and it is similar to this cool Children's Museum in your post.

    We took Megan and Ryan there as kids and they loved it.
