October 23, 2017

Cookies to Class

Since Miles' birthday fell on Labor Day, and there was no school, we bought cookies to take to his class the following day.  Very specific cookies.  The school is a peanut free facility and birthday treats are required to be store bought.  There is a boy in Miles' class with a severe peanut allergy, along with some dairy allergies.  These are the approved cookies!

We got the school at our assigned time and Miles' class was at the end of their group work.

Then everyone put their work away and got ready for treats. 

Mrs Hassinger brought Miles to the front of the class and everyone sang Happy Birthday to him. 

Then Miles and his friend Cole grabbed the cookies...

And passed them out to the class.

Once everyone had a cookie and a juice, they started eating.

Miles had so much fun celebrating his birthday with his entire class.

Owen was pretty thrilled to eat a cookie when we got home too. 

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