September 24, 2016

Birthday Prep

The Saturday Derek's parents were visiting, we also did some preparations for Miles' birthday.  He helped make the cake for the next day.

Which, of course, included licking the beaters.

He helped me frost cupcakes, but then he got tired and just stuck the decorations on as I frosted them.

Emoji cupcakes, his choice, all ready to take to Sunday School with him in the morning. 

Next, I moved onto frosting the cake.  It's a Creeper.  From Minecraft.  It's supposed to be a creeper face anyway.  I literally laughed out loud as how it turned out.  And after I let Miles browse Pinterest looking for Minecraft cake ideas, I was sure anything I made would leave him feeling unfulfilled.  But my sweet Miles saw this and genuinely said, "I love it.".   Yay!!  :)

After we put the boys to bed... and Miles fell asleep quickly, as he always does...
Cooper got back up to help prep things for morning.  He had grand ideas to elaborate on our traditional streamers and create a Minecraft theme Nether Portal. 

Success!  Cooper was excited at how it turned out... 
Miles will see in the morning.

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