July 30, 2015

To Brighten a Rainy Day

Owen has been giving us some very interactive smiles!
...and it's so sweet!

He loves when his big brothers talk to him.

And they don't seem to run out of words.

He gets a lot of fishin' stories told to him. :)

Smiles can brighten any day.  Even this rainy day spent inside playing board games.  Miles beat Cooper and I at Monopoly Empire all while still in his jammies.  That made him smile.

Later, Cooper beat us at Candy Land.  That made him smile.
And it made me smile when Miles stuck his playing piece in the frame at the last second for this photo!

This was also the rainy day that Owen officially had a belly button! No more umbilical stump... my boys take forever to lose them.  He was almost four weeks old.

And helping with the baby makes big brothers smile.
They enjoy feeding him a bottle and burping him.

 ...things that will help pass a rainy day.

Which is good, we've had a lot of rain in Central Illinois!

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