October 31, 2008

"What are you doing?"

Cooper got into the tub of Vaseline and rubbed it all over himself!

I was at the computer answering my email. He was really quiet... so I looked around the corner and saw he'd gotten the lid off and had his hand in the tub!
He jumped when I said, "What are you doing?"

So then of course I grabbed the camera and took some pictures!!!

It was all over his face hands and legs... and a bit on the carpet!

What a greasy mess!


  1. That first picture looks just like your baby pictures!!

  2. Amy, I just heard a story very similar to Cooper's experience! Note to self...keep the vaseline out of arm's reach :)

  3. This won't be the first time he gets quiet and you find him in a no-no! I couldn't find the K's one day and then I heard a little chatter going on in the closet - I opened it and they had stolen a can of Sour Cream and Onion Pringles from the cabinet and had eaten the whole can!

    Remember - NOISE IS GOOD!

  4. One of my kids got into the desitin once and did some finger painting...eewww, that was a mess! I bet his skin was nice and soft though!
